Funmotion provides fun and easy way to create your stop motion clip. Tap and hold to record your video, and use it repeatedly to create your sequences. Simply click the tick button when you are ready and have your clip ready. Quick, simple, fun and easy. Explore your creativity and share your clip with your friends.
How to use fun motion?
- Tap and hold anywhere on the screen to record your video
- Tap repeatedly to create sequences
- When you are done, tap the tick button on the right to finalise your clip
You can also create lapse alike video by tapping your screen faster. The duration of your tap decides the frame rate for your stop motion video.
Happy exploring!
Tag: funmotion, stop motion, stop motion clip, stop motion movie, stop motion video, stop, motion, stop motion maker, stop motion creator, stop motion recorder, video capture, videography, fun clip, quick clip, easy clip
- This application uses openCV library licensed under the BSD License and its source can be downloaded here: This application uses libraries from the FFmpeg project under the LGPLv2.1 (提供了有趣和容易的方法来创建你停止运动剪辑。点选并按住来录制视频,并用它反复来创建你的序列。只要按一下按钮打勾当您准备好,有你的片段准备好了。快速,简单,有趣和容易。探索你的创造力和与您的朋友分享您的剪辑。
- 点击并按住屏幕上的任意位置来录制视频
- 反复点创建序列
- 当你完成后,点击右边的勾号按钮完成您的剪辑
- 此应用程序使用OpenCV库在BSD许可证和它的源许可可以在这里下载: 此应用程序的LGPLv2.1下使用的库从FFmpeg的项目(